Sunday 5 May 2024

M&S green goddess dip

There are so many dips to the next level at M&S with hot salmon, pastrami, Caesar and Indian style

It was really deciding but as a fish lover, I got the green goddess because it has parsley and dill which would go nice with fish.
Ended up having it with a discreetly discounted birdseye fish from Coop and it was delicious.
The sour cream was a little bit overwhelming.

KREMTURO Sweet cottage cheese

Milli kremturo sweet cottage cheese.
To be honest, I did not know you could get sweet cottage cheese until I ran into this Hungarian Milli brand.
Other than cloyingly sweet, it was ok and the flavours were interesting.

Cute asda mini collectables and home delivery kit


Rubicon Spring black cherry raspberry

Rubicon has been around for decades.
I first came across them at fried chicken shops in London where it was mostly mango and lychee drinks.
They had coconut water which has been discontinued for a long while.
In the recent years, they have some new additions like spring water and flavours that are not so exotic like the cherry which was found at Asda cafe so I tried it.
The black cherry and raspberry was quite nice, not too artificially but the sweetener aftertaste creeps on you after a few sips.


Love this classic brand of tea!
I was really lucky to get the cup too!

Heinz x Morley fried chicken sauce

Basically it was sweet with strong onion notes and fiery chilli.

On a side note fried chicken shops are everywhere especially in East London so competition is fierce.
Morley's is one of those well known ones or with good pr since they got to collab with Heinz last year at The Standard.

BARR cherryade and pineapple

Tastes like medicine

The pineapple tasted really nice except for the artificial sweeteners.

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