
Sunday 26 March 2023

sun chlorella powder

Chlorella powder is really tasty just like seaweed but then it is a seaweed.
I should have tried earlier this sun chlorella because I was put off by the taste of spirulina which is nasty but this is totally different.

PG Tips tea

PG Tips are everywhere, although inexpensive, I really like it because the tea is strong and fresh without bitterness.

They now have plant based tea bags as well.

Phyco Health Seaweed Science phukka

Dukkah tastes amazing but seaweed dukkah is even better, it contains lovely pistachio nuts and cumin which really takes it to another level along with the umami of the seaweed.
Applying the phukka on some melted cheese muffins was amazing inspired by cheesy zaatar bread in London.
I feel that phukka is much nicer than zaatar because it does not contain oregano and thyme which can be too aromatic.
Will definitely be using this a lot to season things.

Thursday 23 March 2023

Akina Pineapple Tea and Lemon tea from Empire Kenya

I was really glad I got my hands on some teas from Empire Kenya at the IFE show because they turned out really nice especially the pineapple tea.
Somehow, I had a feeling they would be good and they did not disappoint because the pineapple taste is natrual and blends well with the black tea.
The lemon was ok but pineapple was better.
The one flavour I would really want to get hold of is the almond chocolate and Jasmine apricot which is listed on their website.


Wednesday 22 March 2023

yumma avocado snacks

I was so glad to come accross the yumma avocado brand at IFE because there were so many tasty avocado snacks and drinks.
My favourite was the freeze dried avocado pieces which taste like guacamole and the avocado milk which had a strong almond kick but less of the avocado.

Cranachan ice cream from Stewart tower dairy

I was so glad to get my hands on some Scottish ice cream by Stewart Tower dairy.
The flavour that is a must try is Cranachan made with strawberry, oats and whisky.
The oats in the ice cream give it a lovely chew.

rokit matcha green tea

If you like grassy bitter match, then these are for you!

They also do fortified coffee as well.

graze corn crunch - Marmite / Salt & Vinegar

Graze crunch snacks are a mix of corn hoops, roasted corn and broad beans which come in various flavours.
Tried the marmite and salt and vinegar which were quite nice in different ways but you get a tortilla corn flavour which is really prominent.
The marmite is probably my favourite because of the saltiness and the corn pieces taste like crackling.
The salt and vinegar flavour doesn't quite come through.

Also tried sweet chilli and smokey barbecue which are along the same lines.

Giant Jammie Dodgers

I was so chuffed to get my hands on the newly launched Giant Jammie Dodgers by Burton's biscuit at IFE2023.
Basically, they are about the size of your palm.
I am so relieved, the Jammie Dodger made it home in one piece because sometime they don't.
The only thing is, the jammy middle sticks to the wrapper when you take it out but you can just push it back in the centre for the sake of photos.

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Dug Raspberry smoothie

I was so chuffed to get my hands on the new Dug raspberry smoothie at IFE2023 which is not launched in the UK yet but coming soon.
The reason, I was so keen on trying was that it contains potatoes just like their milk alternatives.
The potatoes were a really smart way of giving it a thick consistency like banana does as well as fill you up, however the taste was impressive in my opinion because potatoes have this savoury note which balances the tartness and does not make the drink extra sweet like bananas do.
Overall, I definitely liked it.

Sea buckthorn berries / berry

Finally tried some previously frozen sea buckthorn berries and they are tart just like the juice I tried.
They are similar to goji berry but sour.
Anyway, I was really lucky to try some because not places have these berries which are usually in dried form.
I managed to try some because they were on display at IFE2023.

Madam Hong Lady Boba Taro tea

I am not really a fan of bubble tea because it is always too sweet and I just don't get the point of having drinks with bits of solids in it.
Anyway, tried Madam Hong boba teas which have a nice design.
The taro one was quite nice was too sweet and the boba were very different to the usual ones from tea shops because the texture was like konjac even though ingredients do not contain konjac.