
Monday 24 July 2017

[Nissin Cup Noodles] Rich Abalone & Oyster Stew Flavor

Tried Nissin Cup Noodles Rich Abalone & Oyster Stew Flavour which is part of their luxury range launched for Cup Noodle’s 45th anniversary.

The Rich Abalone & Oyster Stew Flavour tasted like noodles in a rich Chinese oyster sauce but nicer and it had pieces of oyster mushrooms and black fungas.

The thing I didn't like was how oily my lips were after eating it and the broth became like gel when it cooled down.

Other flavours in this series are: Luxury Shark Fin cupnoodle and Softshell Turtle cupnoodle which were both really good.

Nissin Miso Ginger Energy cup noodles

When I got this Miso ginger cup noodle by Nissin, I didn't know it was supposed to boost your energy like those energy drinks until I googled it.

The taste was a bit disappointing because it was just the usual pork flavour with a hint of ginger.

KiKi noodles Taiwanese celebrity star ShuQi

As well as a restaurant foodie, I am addicted to cup noodles and instant noodles.
Came across these noodles by Taiwanese celebrity star ShuQi which are noodles tossed in sauce.
There are two flavours: Sichuan noodles or Scallion noodles.

Tried both and they were fantastic because you get quality noodles that are served in restaurants and not unhealthy typical instant noodles.

They are too easy to cook, boil until the desired softness and toss the noodles with the sauce provided and they are ready to eat.

Personally I preferred the scallion but the Sichuan one is quite spicy yet fragrant.
It is good how the chili seasoning is in a separate sachet.

These noodles are available at:

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Sunday 16 July 2017

[Marks and Spencers] Bacon Maple Tortilla Rolls

Rolled Tortilla chips are the best invention because they are easier to eat and pop them into your mouth.

These Bacon Maple Tortilla Rolls by Marks and Sparks were a bit sweet to start off with but then the bacon flavour really comes out.
They are so addictive that you can't stop eating them.

[7-eleven] Daily Cafe - donut latte

Discovered this donut latte at the convenience store so decided it try it even thought it is evidently latte with a squirt of Monins doughnut flavoured syrup.

I wouldn't describe the donut taste as strong but it was a nice latte that was not too sweet with a cakey sweet aroma to it.

Friday 14 July 2017

Hartley's NEW Black Cherry Jelly

I love black cherries so when Hartley's launched the NEW Black Cherry Jelly, I got my hands on some from the supermarket.

You make them in the normal way by adding boiling water and stirring it until it dissolves then refrigerating it.

The taste of this black cherry jelly was really good and the black cherry flavouring was not too artificial.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Cute baby durian

You either love or hate durian.
In my case, I love durian but they are big and difficult to open that I can never finish a whole one to myself.
Discovered these cute mini durians so I got one for fun.

It took a few days to ripe and it cracked open naturally so I opened it effortlessly.

The durian meat was sweet and delicate so I loved it but the one I got wasn't developed properly so it only had two sides with flesh inside.

[Mr Kipling] Trifle bakewells

Previously tried the Festive Bakewells by Mr Kipling and they were addictive so this time I got the Trifle bakewells.

The Trifle bakewell has a layer of raspberry and plum jam topped with custard topping.

At first, it was quite sweet but then you get accustomed to it and the custard topping texture was a bit sugary like icing.

There is a slight almond aftertaste and these are great with tea or coffee but I think tea is better.